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Packer Meat Saw 18"

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 15:53
by Rick
Found a Packer Meat Saw, and was wondering if anyone has this saw and can recommend it?

I was looking for one to quarter up my hog heads to fit my kettle better.

Thank you

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 16:26
by Cabonaia
Hi Bob - A small meat saw like that is very handy. I've used one on pork heads for the same reason. It takes some practice before you get the hang of it -- my experience anyway. It can help to have someone else hold what you are sawing if it is jumping around a lot. They are called meat saws but they are really bone saws. Cut through the meat first with a knife, then saw with light pressure until you get through the bone. Stop sawing and finish cutting through the meat on the underside with a knife, then wipe off any bone dust. You can buy "bone dusters" for this purpose - they are cheap - but I haven't tried one.
